Saturday March 10th 45 minute workout. 35 minute run along the lakefront and 10 minutes of bodyweight exercises. I completed 1 set to failure in this order: hanging ab crunches, pull-ups, and chin-ups. Then, I did a few step-ups onto a park bench, for about 2-3 minutes, and 25 push-ups. Great workout today. Warm at about 59 degrees. Spring is here! Why the order? I tend to do my entire upper-body at once during the mid-point of my run. I am happy with my chest size but wish to build my arm size and strength. So, I complete all my arm exercises before I focus my chest. i.e. pull-ups, chin-ups, tricep-dips...etc. (all bodyweight exercises) This way my arms get isolated first without the focus on chest which reduces the chest from overcompensating during my arm routine. I do the hanging abs first to warm-up my arms....but mainly... because I tend to skip my abs if I do them last.
Health and Fitness Education USA EIN: 810868591