Thursday March 29th 25 minute run which included about 3 minutes of a backward running stage. I skipped the bodyweight exercises today and focused on headstand form. I tried the version with my forearms on the ground as shown sirsasana yoga and was still not able to fully extend my legs over my head. The sirsasana position was very wobbly for me and not stable muscular wise. I still need to work on maintaining form as this version seems to require more muscle control and concentration for maintaining the pose or I'm just not used to the position. However, I was able to extend my legs further when I had the plams of my hands and my head on the ground. This version seemed easier. So, there is progress. I'll work up to the sirsasana version. After the headstand practice, I decided to do more backwards running hill work. I did four sets; backwards up the hill and forwards down the hill. Took abou...
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