Hello all! I tested positive for COVID19 and was placed into quarentine at "The Good Hotel" in San Francisco. I felt great the whole time; never showing syptoms and was able to rest! While under quatentine I received the $1200 stimulus payment via direct deposit and was extremely happy! I was also able to TEST out MY" PRIVATE" 5G Hotspot Wifi signal I purchase for work with Postmates and for work with Universal Fitness. MY HOME SO TO SPEAK...hint hint! ;-) Think mobile home then think the SECOND AMENDMENT. Guess I am lucky to not have any deadly weaponry or ARMS around me? "life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness! Aka Florida tangible "property" tax return! :-) Anyway, the Private 5G TMOBILE HOTSPOT was GREAT! AWESOME! I could connect 3 DEVICES with high speed as if I were connected to a wall ethernet!!! Including the fact that I went OVER 50 GIGIBITES!!! Seriously!!! Without slowing down during this "high traffic" time. ...
Health and Fitness Education USA EIN: 810868591