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Showing posts from November 22, 2020

Seinfeld - The Coronavirus

vaccine is due asap. 40 million expected to get covid19 this December! :-) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


I have lived in small town Indiana and very large cities such as Chicago, IL yet San Francisco is the only city not to practice inclusion. I have seen many Christmas tree displays but never a MENORAH!! I mean, never. I take it that the city and state prefers it's criminal and illegal drug practices and presence over inclusion or to accommodate others unlike oneself. I have to adapt to criminals and others unlike myself at the shelter in which I reside. Now, I am being harassed by San Francisco, the city and county, the gay community here and the people of the USA. I have been harassed repeatedly out of employment by what i describe as an illegal drug operation or family in San Francisco. They are trying to force me into drug dealing, prostitution and have done so ever since I moved here. They are utilizing a telepathic means of communication to literally harass me and try to force me out of work, force me onto public aid and into their illegal drug operation! This is happening at M...

Scary Movie (6/12) Movie CLIP - Wanna Play Pyscho Killer? (2000) HD



I am working remotely at home myself. Though, this is different and the opposite of the majority, it is no less true. I have a legal residence at 18th and Castro Street. In 2018, my California drivers license was due for renewal. I literally had to physically go to the DMV in California to do this. I was also updating my identification to comply with FEDERAL regulations in regards to "Real ID" requirements. These requirements required proof of residency.  Prior to this, the only requirement was a birth certificate and mailing address. The mailing address though was not verified with a piece of mail as it is today! Though, a mailing address does not constitute a legal residency and hence the need for a proper and legal residency to vote. As, I was told.  This is important to know because at the time I was a homeless person residing in a homeless shelter. Why? Because FEDERAL law or Constitutional Law of the United States of America dictates the right to Vote and registratio...

Jiffy Express - Saturday Night Live


Bay Area CPR - How to Claim Your American Heart Association Certificatio...


Remember FAT is fuel! It is flammable as you recall if you have ever cooked meat. Therefore, also recall that it was and is a conscious choice to become FAT or obese.  Therefore, also a choice to create a body easier to burn at death! Become conscious of the "whole picture." What are you creating now for the time after your time within  this world is over? Are you preparing yourself for food or for something greater? Below is a workout to help increase physical activity and one of which focuses on cardiovascular fitness.  Initial: Week 1-4  Intensity Monitored by Heart Rate: ACSM guidelines for target heart rate: For cardiovascular fitness: between  55% and 65% to 90% of   maximum heart rate , or 40% and 50% to 85% of oxygen uptake reserve (VO2R) or   Heart Rate   Reserve (HHR) Duration: Progress from 20-40 minutes; or increase time by 5 minutes per week. Example, if starting at 20 minutes of exercise and working to ...