ENDURANCE! It's my opinion or theory that yo/yo weight loss can have sever health risks and/or complications. I've had family members who have never really succeeded in their weight loss endeavors. Maybe over the short term such as loosing 50 lbs here....a hundred pounds there. But, only to gain it back and then some. In addition, adding more health consequences and shortening life expectancy. So, from my experience it would be safe to say that the current philosophy of weight loss doesn't work. I'm sure that I could research evidence to support my claim but I find it a waste of time. How about a new philosophy? One that doesn't focus on weight loss at all? Moreover, focusing on endurance or adding more physical activity to daily/weekly duties? With the sedentary workforce it would only seem obvious to become more active. Could a body of any shape or size can be trained to walk up a flight of st...
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