What you didn’t learn in PE class;
By Mike Hupertz; B.S. Kinesiology; NASM CPT
I was curious if sex could be counted as a form of exercise or physical activity. So, I googled “sex as form of exercise” and found some surprising results. Thus, the information I found seems to support my theory that sex could be counted as form of physical activity or exercise.
On average sex can burn 5 calories per minute, that equals to 300 calories per hour. And, as with other physical activities the result is better heath. These benefits include better immune function, youthful appearance and lowering the risk of heart attack. Below are some of the main health benefits I found.
Health Benefits of sex:
- Boosts Immune function: A stronger immune system, = fewer sick days
- Helps maintain youth: releases endorphins and human growth hormones
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Helps reduce risk of prostate cancer
- Lowers the risk of heart attack
- Acts as a pain reliever: “instead of aspirin, try an orgasm”
- Improves woman’s bladder control
- Lowers blood pressure
- Counts as exercise: Burns 5 calories per minute
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